
(network addresses in examples have been randomized… to protect the innocent)


This is the type of home network that most people are familiar with. The gateway device may simply be a typical Wi-Fi router or similar device, acting as the sole gateway to the ISP, and providing some sort of basic security via SNAT and (hopefully) even an actual firewall. This gatway is the only actual router on the network.

Adding IPv6

Unless you like to live on the bleeding edge, and enjoy internet service of dubious reliability, currently (as of 2017) you are probably going to be implimenting dual-stack networking, using both IPv4 and IPv6 addressing. In dual-stack, addresses for each protocol are configured independenly, and function independently. This is meant to be a transitional mode, used while more sites ramp up their IPv6 support, and IPv4 is eventually phased out. For now, cover all bases - run both.

Once IPv6 is enabled on the gateway, it will automatically obtain an individual ::/128 address from the ISP, which will be used on its upstream (or external) interface. At this point, you have a couple of options:

  • you could configure a private IPv6 (ULA) network on the inside network, and continue doing SNAT, or
  • have your gateway device request a “prefix delegation” of routable addresses from the ISP for use on your inside network

For the purposes of this discussion, we will be using a delegated prefix of publicly-routable addresses, which sort of implies that the gateway device is also a stateful firewall, as assigning public addresses to your internal hosts without some sort of firewall would be utter foolishness (under most circumstances).

This prefix delegation is initiated by the CPE gateway, which issues a DHCP6 IA_PD request (described in RFC 3633) to the ISP. The ISP then allocates a prefix, and sends the DHCP6 response back to the gateway with the prefix details. By default, this will probably be a ::/64 prefix.

At this point, any gateway worth its salt has configured it’s interfaces with the appropriate addresses, and due to the magic of IPv6, any IPv6-enabled hosts on the inside network should auto-configure themselves with a real-live routable IPv6 address. This was a lot of words about a really simple process - it probably only required clicking a check-box in the gateway config GUI, if you had to do anything at all.

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