IPv6 eliminates the need for DHCP… except for when you need DHCP

Hosts on IPv6 networks should have no problems autoconfiguring themselves with SLAAC; however, to perform prefix delegation, it is necessary to use DHCP6 as noted on the previous page. When you request a delegated prefix from your ISP, it’s done with a DHCP request. Likewise, if you want to be able to delegate sub-prefixes downward in your network tree, you also need to have a DHCP6 server configured to do so.

A DD-WRT router might be able to be coaxed into performing this job, but I’m not sure. I’ve not personally had much luck getting dhcpd6 runinng on DD-WRT, and I haven’t tried configuring dnsmasq to do so (assuming it can?). The truth is, I haven’t had much of need to do this on the DD-WRT router on my network, because in my case, it is the delegation client, and nto the delegation server. Rather, my DD-WRT router needs to be the one making the delegation request upstream.

So, in a perfect world, the FortiGate in my network would have it’s DHCP6 server configured to serve IA_PD requests. Currently, that does not seem to be the case. So I had to come up with an alternate solution. (Note: FortiOS 6.0 from FortiGate does support downstream prefix delegation now - see comments at the bottom of the page)

Set up your own DHCP6 prefix server

As an experiment, I set up a VM on my lab network to act as a DHCP6 server, and then I configured a DHCP relay on the FortiGate to take reuqests from VLAN2, and forward them to the DHCP6 server on VLAN1. I hard-coded the server config based on the delegated prefix I had from my ISP at that time, just to see if it would work. Much to my astonishment, it did… sort of. There was still one additional problem I had to contend with (I’ll get to that in a bit), but the important thing is, my DD-WRT router was receiving a sub-prefix, and successfully adding it to its downstream interface, AND hosts on that LAN were successfully autoconfiguring with SLAAC. “Excelsior!”

Now that I had a proof-of-concept working, I wanted to make it a little more permanent, as the VMs in my lab environment aren’t really intended to be long-term stable - its just a sandbox to play in. So, I decided to buy a Raspberry Pi and set it up as a DHCP server appliance. Specifically, I got a Rasberry Pi 3 B kit, and also a serial console cable so that I could run it headless. In hindsight, the quad-core Pi 3 B may have been a bit overkill… it’s a pretty bad-ass little box! But the whole kit, with console cable only set me back ~$75, so whatever. I should have bought 10 of them, maybe. But I digress…

With the Pi in-hand, I set about to getting it running, which was remakably easy. I decided to try the CentOS 7 distribution for the Pi, partly because I’m already intimately famliar with CentOS, and also because I knew for a fact that the ISC DHCP server package in CentOS will do exactly what I need. The only complication what figuring out how to get the serial console working, which actually ended up being pretty simple. All you need to do is edit /boot/config.txt on the Pi’s MicroSD card, and append the line enable_uart=1 at the end of the file.


Once attached to the FortiGate’s VLAN2 network, the next step is to install my dhcp6-prefix-config.py script (with a few dependencies, see the README) configure the variable in the script (default may just work if you are lucky), and then set up a cron job so it runs periodically.

What the script does

Referring to the example netowrk diagram on the previous page, you can see that the IPv6 network for VLAN2 is 2601:43:0:1001::/64 (because we configured the FortiGate to assign network “1” of it’s delegated ::/62 super-prefix to VLAN2). When the DHCP server autoconfigures itself, it will end up with a network address that looks something like 2601:43:0:1001:abcd:abcd:abcd:2ddc/64. The config script uses this information as the basis for generating the dhcpd6 server config file.

By default (see the file itself for default variables), the script will see what it’s local (public) IPv6 network is, and then use defined “offset” and “range” values to determine what sub-prefixes it should be configuring in the delegation. So, if delegation_offset = 1 and and delegation_range = 2, that means it will calculate the following:

DHCP server's network  = 2601:43:0:1001::/64
first delegated prefix (offset 1) = 2601:43:0:1002::/64
last delegated prefix (range 2) = 2601:43:0:1003::/64

Assuming our ISP gave us a ::/62 prefix, this configuration will deplete all four of our sub-prefixes (remember, 2601:43:0:1000::/64 was assigned to VLAN1 on the FortiGate). Potentially, you could have up to 2 downstream routers satisfied with this configuration. If your ISP decides to change your delegation at some point, running this script periodically (i.e. via cron) will ensure that that the change cascades downstream.

The config script will also set up a local address range for any clients that refuse to use SLAAC, and also DHCP server options (like DNS servers), also for those client that don’t want to get this from SLAAC (slightly more likely). Ensure that DHCP6 server is disabled on the FortiGate for VLAN2, and all IA_PD requests for that VLAN will be served by our (adorable!) Pi server.

Be sure to update firewall policies

By default, the gateway firewall may be blocking any IPv6 traffic originating from inside the network. Take a look at your firewall policy and ensure its set up as you need it to be. Also, keep in mind that in this configuration, there is not IPv6 SNAT happening - your inside hosts have publicly routable IPv6 addresses, so again - make sure your firewall policy rules are sane!

Oh, one more problem…

Columbo never forgets

At this point, there should be IPv6 prefixes cascading down, and hosts on the LAN behind the DD-WRT router are getting addresses. The issue now is, how do you route to them? Traffic can flow out (assuming firewall policies are OK!) and response packets can flow back… but the FortiGate doesn’t actually know where to route the responses to. Timeouts!

The solution I came up with for this (and there may be more than one solution) was to enable RIPng (the version of RIP that supports IPv6) on both the upstream (vlan2) interface on the DD-WRT router, and also on the VLAN2 interface on the FortiGate.

Enabling RIPng on the FortiGate’s vlan2 interface:

config router ripng
    config redistribute "connected"
    config redistribute "static"
    config redistribute "ospf"
    config redistribute "bgp"
    config redistribute "isis"
    config interface
        edit "vlan2"

Enabling RIPng on DD-WRT vlan2 interface:

  1. enable the JFFS filesytem
  2. save this script as /jffs/etc/config/ripng_dd-wrt.startup
    (edit to ensure your appropriate upstream interface is specified for both the zebra.conf and ripngd.conf sections)
  3. chmod 755 /jffs/etc/config/ripng_dd-wrt.startup
  4. run the script (it will also execute automatically when the router reboots)

Verifying results

If all goes according to plan, you should see new RIP routes (designated with the R) in the routing table on the FortiGate (again - these are fabricated example addresses - not real). You should see an entry for the upstream interface on the DD-WRT router (2601:43:0:1000::c8/128), and another entry for the delegated sub-prefix ( 2601:43:0:1002::/64):

FW01 # get router info6 routing-table
IPv6 Routing Table
Codes: K - kernel route, C - connected, S - static, R - RIP, O - OSPF,
       IA - OSPF inter area
       N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1, N2 - OSPF NSSA external type 2
       E1 - OSPF external type 1, E2 - OSPF external type 2
       I - IS-IS, B - BGP
       * - candidate default

Timers: Uptime

C       ::1/128 via ::, root, 1d03h50m
C       2001:558:1234:d0:14e0:5ab7:1507:ddce/128 via ::, wan, 1d03h50m
C       2601:43:0:1000::/64 via ::, vlan1, 1d03h50m
C       2601:43:0:1001::/64 via ::, vlan2, 1d03h50m
R       2601:43:0:1001::c8/128 [120/2] via fe80::ca60:ff:fee8:c522, vlan2, 01:07:16
R       2601:43:0:1002::/64 [120/2] via fe80::ca60:ff:fee8:c522, vlan2, 01:07:16
C       fe80::/64 via ::, vlan2, 1d03h50m
K       ff00::/8 via ::, wan, 1d03h50m

Lastly, you can visit one of the various IPv6 test sites on the Internet and confirm that the LAN clients are working with routable IPv6:

Ready for the IPv4 apocolypse!

Hopefully, someone else can get some use out of this, and this document wasn’t just an exercise in augmenting my feeble memory. Cheers!

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